a place created to help you navigate food decisions
* live a fulfilling life without the worry of what you are going to eat next
* our focus in on health gain, not weight loss
* We remove toxic diet culture and high-pressure weight talk from our community
* Offer new methods & tools to help you regain your health
Get back to living the life you deserve.
Healthy. Happy. Harmonious.
If you have trouble making food decisions, this is going to be the best community you'll ever join to support your wellness.
I’m Alicia and I’ve suffered with food sensitivities since birth. My challenges forced me to seek out help and support so I could live my best life. I formed this community to share my research, stories and tools that I’ve learned and continue to discover on my journey to feeling good.
This community offers recipes that help you love the food that supports your body information that has been verified from professionals in the fields of nutrition, medicine, fitness and mental health tools like the FAM app that helps you turn your phone into a supportive ally.
My days are spent discovering ways to make food choices easier, so your life can be sweeter. In this community, you will find knowledge, frameworks and ideas that will propel you to feeling great.